Sunday, October 27, 2013

Brooklyn Bridge Park Pre-Lesson

Food Webs (part 1 continued from Thursday)
9-4: Please complete through problem 7 any that you did not finish on thursday. Then we will stop and go over the answers.

1) definitions:
a) Producer
b) Consumer
c) Decomposer
d) Carnivore
e) Herbivore
f) omnivore
g) ecosystem
h) autotroph
i) heterotoph

2) Do a word dissection on the following two words using the links.  Which words from #1 are they synonyms of?

Define the term: Trophic Level

4) What does a food chain show?

5) How is a food web different than a food chain?

6) Play the food web game: 

7) Game analysis: What is the difference between the 4 levels of consumers?

8) Draw an energy pyramid in your notebooks like in the website: Energy Pyramids

a)why is the energy pyramid shaped like a pyramid?

b) What is the relationship between the levels of an energy pyramid

c) Why are there so many fewer organisms in each ascending level of the pyramid?


1) Read this website, play the game, and answer the 5 questions at the bottom of the page in your notes. Try these without clicking "check answer" first.

2) Biomagnification article annotation:
A) Go to this website, and create an account for rap genius. Use your mbhs email and create a nickname with your name in it So i can easily identify you and give you points for making annotations.

Rapgenius is an annotation site that allows you to annotate any text in a cloud.  We will be using this service today and in the future.

B) Go to this article:

find my nickname on the side and follow me.
Then create two annotations with your partner on the article.

1) Brooklyn bridge park:
check out the website for the park we will be visiting on monday.
a) why do you think we are visiting this park for Biochemistry Class?
b) Write down 2 facts and 2 questions you have about the park

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