Thursday, July 10, 2014

insulin and diabetes: Why does diabetes happen?

in your project be sure to answer the following questions:

A)explain the role of insulin in a non-diabetic person (discuss the insulin feedback system in your body)
-what happens when you eat sugar?

-why does your body need sugar?

-what is the pancreas? What is insulin?

-what is the role of insulin in the abiltiy of cells to intake sugar?

-How does a non-diabetic person maintain relatively constant blood sugar levels (even if they havent eaten in a long time?)

B)Describe what happens in a person that causes diabetes:
-describe the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes

-is either type genetic? what are the causes of each type

-describe how the insulin feedback system you described above is affected in a person with diabetes
-describe the symptoms of diabetes

C) describe how a person with diabetes must manage their condition. What medicine is available, how is it made, how does it work, what are the drawbacks, what are the long term consequences of diabetes management...

Project requirements:
1. answer the questions in your notes and ask questions if you need help
2. make a visual aid to accompany the answers to your questions.

the visual aid is open ended: here are some suggestions
-a flowchart to describe the insulin feedback system with some added parts to show how diabetes would affect the system
potential sources:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Antibiotic resistance and Evolution

Do now: read the following website explaining evolution by NS

Any questions?
View the animation and answer the following questions as you go.  Think pair share protocol. Give students time to view the animation, and think about each question, then discuss with their partner the answers to the questions, then share out, and record their answers.

1)     What is the difference between an antibody and an antibiotic? (prior knowledge)

2)      What causes the common cold?

3)      Do antibiotics work on viruses?

4)      Are all bacteria harmful? Explain.

5)      How does the antibiotic tetracycline work? (how does it affect the ability of the bacteria cell to function?)

6)      Do bacteria develop resistance in response to the antibiotic? Or is the random mutation already present when antibiotics are administered?

7)      What causes resistance to tetracycline?

8)      Why do the few bacteria with random mutations survive? How does the population of bacteria end up growing?

9)      What are some other mutations that bacteria can have that make them resistant to antibiotics?

10)   What is plasmid transfer? How is it different than asexual reproduction?

11)   How can humans decrease the spread and development of antibiotic resistant bacteria?

Monday, February 10, 2014


Genetic Technology Summary Website
Genetic Engineering powerpoint
Genetic Engineering basics Website
Image About Insulin Engineering
Union of Concerned Scientists: discussion of ethics of Genetic engineering
Cloning Process simplified
Cloning Entire Organisms
cloning genes
Ethics in genetic engineering
Stem Cell Basics

Day 1: You may use the links above or search google.
For each, write a short description of the purpose of the process.
a1) Genetic Engineering
a2) Cloning
a3) Stem Cell Technology
a4) gel electrophoresis
a5) PCR

2) Click on this link. View the image. Come up with your own captions for #s 1-4 in the image. This is how genetic engineering works. (you may use the other links above to help you)

3. Describe an example of how genetic technology has:
a) helped society deal with food issues
b) Helped lead to solutions for diseases
-Choose 1 gene from 1 organism and show how you would insert it into the DNA of another organism.  Then describe or draw the effect that such a gene manipulation would have on the newly modified organism. You can illustrate this, include captions, or just describe the whole thing in a paragraph.

HW: finish your project

Day 2:
4a. What is cloning?
b)How do asexually reproducing organisms clone?
c) View this image about the process of cloning animalsHow do scientists manipulate the DNA of sexually reproducing organisms in order to clone them?

5a.What are stem cells and what makes them interesting for medical use?
b) Give 2 examples of how stem cells have been used medically and 1 potential use that has yet to be finalized by scientists

6. Choose one type of genetic technology (genetic modification, cloning, the use of stem cells). 
Write an argumentative paragraph explaining whether you think your specific genetic technology  is ethical or unethical.  State your claim, why you think so and then give at least 1 piece of evidence (a quote or a scientific fact) to back up your argument. Explain why the evidence you provided backs up your claim.

HW: prepare several questions to bring to seminar tomorrow
Day 3: Seminar

Day 4: Table talk/quiz (if time)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Population Genetics and Inbreeding

Population Genetics is the study of the distribution of genes across all of the individuals of a particular species in one location…
With your partner, in your notes, answer the following questions:
You may use your lab packet and the following links:
Background: PPT on pop. genetics
Evolution simulator: anitbiotic resistance animation
Ways genes can change across populations:
More info on: population genetics
1)Why is inbreeding harmful to individuals and species?

2)Find a specific example of inbreeding; you can use dog pure breeds, Russian royal families (hemophilia), or the potato famine in Ireland. Explain your example and how it show the negative effects of inbreeding.
3)Explain 1 example of how environmental factors can cause an overall change of genes across an entire population.
4)Why is diversity of genes within a population important for the species to evolve successfully?
5)Compare and contrast evolution in a population of genetically similar organisms to  evolution within a population of genetically diverse organisms.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Meiosis, Reproduction, development, and differentiation.

Day 1: meiosis
1. Go to this presentation: Meiosis, Reproduction, Development, Differentiation. Complete Slide 1 and Slide 2.
2. Follow the presentation, use web links, and Take notes on the mini lesson about haploid, diploid and meiosis. Draw all appropriate diagrams.
3. Answer the reflection questions and meiosis practice.

Day 2.
3. Get a laptop and answer your groups section questions
4. Share your answers with the class
5. Begin the video. Write down 3 things you learned, 3 questions you still have, AND complete the female reproductive diagram annotations.

Day 3.
6. Finish the movie
7. Question and answer session

Day 4.
8. Table talk pre quiz
9. Group quiz (assessment).