Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Antibiotic resistance and Evolution

Do now: read the following website explaining evolution by NS

Any questions?
View the animation and answer the following questions as you go.  Think pair share protocol. Give students time to view the animation, and think about each question, then discuss with their partner the answers to the questions, then share out, and record their answers.

1)     What is the difference between an antibody and an antibiotic? (prior knowledge)

2)      What causes the common cold?

3)      Do antibiotics work on viruses?

4)      Are all bacteria harmful? Explain.

5)      How does the antibiotic tetracycline work? (how does it affect the ability of the bacteria cell to function?)

6)      Do bacteria develop resistance in response to the antibiotic? Or is the random mutation already present when antibiotics are administered?

7)      What causes resistance to tetracycline?

8)      Why do the few bacteria with random mutations survive? How does the population of bacteria end up growing?

9)      What are some other mutations that bacteria can have that make them resistant to antibiotics?

10)   What is plasmid transfer? How is it different than asexual reproduction?

11)   How can humans decrease the spread and development of antibiotic resistant bacteria?

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